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Town of Rockland

242 Union Street


The town of Rockland, located in Plymouth County, is 20 miles south of Boston and has a population of 17,489 residents. Rockland was settled by European settlers, as a northeastern region of neighboring Abington in 1673. The town separated and incorporated as Rockland on March 9, 1874. It is named for the town's rocky nature, which was better suited for mills and industry than for farming. Historically, Rockland is best known for its industrial history and was home to many shoe manufacturers.  It is believed that Rockland shod approximately half the shoes for the Union Army during the Civil War. Today Rockland is primarily a suburb of Boston; and the mills have been repurposed into venues for housing and local artists.

Recent News

Town of Rockland Early Fall Newsletter September 20, 2023

ARJWW WATER UPDATE Keeping you informed about the ongoing work by the Abington Rockland Joint Water Works (ARJWW) to ensure the quality of your drinking water is a priority of ours. We are happy to provide another update on water quality concerns…

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Town of Rockland Newsletter: February-March 2023

OUT WITH THE OLD? SELECTMAN VOTE TO SEND NEW FIRE STATION RECOMMENDATION TO TOWN MEETING Nineteen thirty-nine, and 1978; those were the years that Rockland first built, then updated with three new bays, the Town’s fire station on Union…

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