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454 College Highway
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Southwick was settled by people who moved south from Westfield, along the main north-south arteries now named College Highway, North and South Loomis Streets and North and South Longyard Roads. (Please see map, a copy of the oldest one we have.) Fowlers settled in the 1730's in Poverty Plains, so named because the soil was deemed poor for farming. The Loomis family settled early in the North Loomis area, and Nobles were in the South Longyard area. The Moores were established in the section nearest what was then Simsbury, Connecticut. The Roots located near the site of the original church that stood at the corner of Bugbee Road and College Highway. That is why the town cemetery was and is still located near that spot.
Attending church in the winter must have been quite an ordeal. That was one reason that fifty-two residents of the south part of Westfield petitioned on the 15th of March 1765 to become a separate town. Men whose last names were Moore, Loomis, Fowler, Root or Noble accounted for almost half of that number. On November 7, 1770, Southwick, the south village or "wick" of Westfield, was set off as a district, and in 1775, it became a full-fledged town. Records of town meetings have been preserved since that time, with the records from 1775 through 1853 transcribed in typescript form, for easier reading. Many resources of that kind can be consulted at the Southwick Public Library.