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10900 Ravenna Road
To encourage and equip people to live life with a heart for God, community and the world.
We exist as a church to EXPOSE people to God’s love, to CONNECT them with other Christians, to help them GROW in their faith, to equip them for their MINISTRY and to HONOR God with their lives.
What We Belive
The Deity of Jesus Christ...We believe that Jesus Christ is true God and true man. He died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins and was raised on the third day to ascend to his Father in heaven. Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity who is very God of very God.
The Trinity...We believe that one God exists in three persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We do not believe in three gods, but one God sharing the same essence of what it means to be Divine.
Our Salvation in Jesus Christ...We believe that Jesus Christ in the only mediator between God and man and the only name under heaven whereby a person can be saved. Salvation or deliverance from sin and hell is received only when a person trusts Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of one’’s life.
Word of God-The Bible...We believe that the Old Testament and the New Testament comprise the complete revelation from God. We believe the Bible reveals the will of God for mankind and is the final authority for all Christian faith and practice.
The Coming of Christ...We believe that Jesus will return, first to remove those people who have called on Him for salvation (the rapture) and second, in "glory form" to judge the wicked and reward the saints for their life of ministry and service.