Trinity Reformed United Church of Christ is an open, loving, growing, church committed to welcoming persons of all ages, races, life status, and beliefs, engaging all in worshiping God, and in serving others while seeking to know God's will.
To honor God and celebrate the intrinsic worth of each person as created in God's image.
Engaging members and newcomers in a regular practice of developing spirituality, including private prayer, Sunday worship, service to others, fellowship in a group, and financial stewardship.
Providing opportunities for lay leadership development in the areas of church school leader, worship leadership, consistory service, youth and children's ministries, pastoral visitation, evangelism, and spirituality.
Proclaiming the Word of God by offering worship experiences engaging worshipers in visual arts, contemporary music, creative movement, drama, mime and clowning, while continuing a strong ministry through a variety of music and preaching of the Word.
Developing a welcoming attitude toward persons who are different and learning to honor these differences as a path to Christian spiritual growth.
Being intentional in inviting others to engage with Trinity Reformed UCC in membership and ministry and publicizing our church's ministry opportunities.
Exploring and discovering our individual gifts for ministry.
Engaging individuals and our faith community in helping others outside our own faith community, careful planning for generous missions support, and making connections with school children and their families that meet their needs.