Victory Outreach is an international, church-oriented Christian ministry called to the task of evangelizing and discipling the hurting people of the world, with the message of hope and plan of Jesus Christ.
This call involves a commitment to plant and develop churches, rehabilitation homes and training centers, in strategic cities of the world.
Victory Outreach inspires and instills within people the desire to fulfill their potential in life with a sense of dignity, belonging, and destiny.
Victory Outreach works cooperatively with others of mutual purpose in accomplishing the task before us.
Victory Outreach Seattle began in the heart of God and in the heart of a man and a woman. In 1990 Pastor Johnny Heredia along with his wife Kathy and five small children moved from Los Angeles, California to Seattle, Washington to begin what is known today as Victory Outreach church of Seattle. Upon their arrival in Seattle, Johnny and Kathy began to walk the streets of downtown Seattle, Rainier Valley, Central District, and West Seattle with a message of hope and the plan of Jesus Christ. Almost immediately men and women who ere bound to drugs, alcohol, and gang violence began to respond. Church services were started at that time in the basement of their home.
During this time Johnny and Kathy opened what would become the first Victory Outreach Seattle Men's Recovery Home. Johnny, a former heroin addict and gang member, and Kathy, a former alcoholic who was born into the gang lifestyle, poured their hearts into these men, teaching them biblical principles and values that would not only free them from their bondage, but keep them from ever having to return to the life they came out of. Today Victory Outreach Seattle is purchasing a beautiful 20,000 square foot facility in Burien (Southwest Seattle) where dynamic worship services take place every week. We have people of all walks of life and people from all socioeconomic classes now in our congregation. This is a thriving family environment where there is room for everyone to take their positions and grow in the Lord! A Men's Home (Recovery Home) has been established in Ballard where up to 30 men that were once homeless, addicted, or gang affiliated, are housed. As of November, 2012, the Men's Home just moved to a newer home in Seattle. A Women's Home has been established in Auburn where women whose lives have been shattered by drugs and prostitution are being restored and re-united with their children. A Teen and Young Adult Ministry call G.A.N.G. (God's Anointed Now Generation) meets every Wednesday at our church at 10821 1st Avenue S., Seattle, WA 98168. Home support groups are thriving around the city. Some of our other areas of Ministry are: Prison and County Jail Ministry, Silver and Gold Ministry for those in their Twilight of their lives, Church Choir, Children's Ministry, Weekly Street Evangelism, Marriage Support Group, Women's Ministry, Men's Ministry, Twilight Treasures Ministry reaching out to the women on the street, Victory Education and Training Institute (V.E.T.I.) for those who want to grow in His Word, and much more. From the humble beginnings of their basement on Beacon Hill to their present location, God has been faithful! God Bless You.