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206 North Water Street
Village of Albany Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan
Goals and Objectives
All goals and objectives have been approved by the Plan Commission. Items that were also in the 1997 plan are indicated.
Village of Albany 2030 Vision
The Village of Albany envisions itself as retaining its small town qualities of living, natural beauty, and improving its economy to maintain a viable community. (A)
Issues and Opportunities
Goal: To accommodate development of the village in an orderly manner which is fiscally sound and attractive; which advances the village economy; and which will result in the least possible environmental impact. (A)
Goal: Provide adequate, attractive, and affordable housing of reasonable quality for all residents that is compatible with both the capabilities of the land and the surrounding land uses, and makes provision for future orderly growth. (1997)
Encourage additional residential development in areas which are physically and environmentally suited for it. New housing should be adjacent to existing development and, where appropriate, public facilities and services can be conveniently and economically provided. (1997)
Encourage the development of compatible uses in existing neighborhoods to compliment the character of the neighborhoods rather than conflict with it. (1997)
Encourage the development of a variety of housing types that is affordable and meets the needs of all residents, including the elderly population. (1997)
Direct residential subdivision development to planned growth areas.
Encourage the use of creative development designs that preserve community character and natural resources.
Encourage the preservation, maintenance, and rehabilitation of historically significant homes.
Goal: To promote and maintain a convenient, accessible transportation system capable of moving people, goods, and services to and from the community while providing for the efficient movement of traffic within the community. (1997)
Promote the development of a well designed street and highway system that will serve the transportation needs of the village’s residents, as well as encourage the overall economic development of the community. (1997)
Promote the availability and use of public transportation and alternative systems where most appropriate. (1997)
Assure safe pedestrian access through an adequate sidewalk/bike path system. (1997)
Require developers to bear an equitable share of the costs for the improvement or construction of roads needed to serve new development.
Guide new growth to existing road systems so that new development does not financially burden the community or make inefficient use of tax dollars.
Monitor the effectiveness of existing, and opportunities for new, shared service agreements for providing local road maintenance.
Direct future residential, commercial, and industrial development to roadways capable of accommodating resulting traffic.
Utiliities and Community Facilities
Goal: To develop and maintain public services, facilities, utilities, and recreational programs to meet the needs of the existing and future village population. (1997)
Encourage the provision of a wide variety of social, cultural, and institutional activities for the benefit and enjoyment of all residents. (1997)
Provide recreational facilities and services adequate to meet the needs of all age groups, and set aside sufficient recreational land to reflect the needs of both neighborhoods and the community at large. (1997)
Provide adequate public utilities and waste disposal services capable of handling the projected additional growth in the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. (1997)
Consider the potential impacts of development proposals on the cost and quality of community facilities and services, and balance the need for community growth with the cost of providing services.
Ensure that fire and emergency service levels are appropriate for the existing and future needs and demands of the village and its land uses.
Explore opportunities to provide or improve village facilities, equipment, and services cooperatively with neighboring communities.
Consider the potential impacts of development proposals on the adequacy of existing and proposed stormwater management features including stormwater storage areas, culverts, ditches, and bridges.
Support the development of local health care facilities.
Maintain support for local libraries in their efforts to increase community education.
Agriculture, Natural, and Cultural Resources
Goal: Maintain, preserve, and enhance the community’s natural and cultural resources.
Encourage consideration of open space needs of the community, including the preservation of wetlands, woodlands, outstanding scenic resources, and environmental corridors. (1997)
Discourage urban development from making use of prime agricultural lands to the greatest extent possible. (1997)
Continue to preserve and enhance the values of places and objects having historic and cultural importance to the community. (1997)
Encourage the preservation and restoration of buildings and sites that have historic and architectural value. (1997)
Direct future growth away from wetlands, floodplains, steep slopes, and areas of exposed bedrock.
Encourage the preservation of natural buffers and building setbacks between intensive land uses and surface water features.
Consider the potential impacts of development proposals on those features that the community values as a part of its character and identity.
Explore options for achieving improved design of commercial and industrial buildings and sites in areas that define the character of the community.
Economic Development
Goal: To promote industrial and commercial attraction and development in Albany which contributes to local employment and expands the village’s economic base, while preserving the values, the character, and the quality of the surrounding environment of the community. (1997)
Provide an adequate land base to expand local opportunities for new and existing industries and businesses. (1997)
Continue to develop industrial and commercial sites in appropriate locations which consider physical limitations, transportation access, and compatibility with surrounding uses. (1997)
Support business retention, expansion, and recruitment efforts that are consistent with the comprehensive plan.
Goal: To promote and encourage an active downtown business area with adequately planned outlying business clusters. (1997)
Promote Albany as an attractive location for business and industry, paying particular attention to the contribution the history and scenic beauty of the area plays in shaping the character and charm of the community. (1997)
Provide for commercial activities in appropriate areas other than the downtown in instances where 1) no commercial space exists in the central business district, and 2) when the proposed use is more appropriate elsewhere. (1997)
Promote dialogue and continue to strengthen relationships between the community and local businesses.
Goal: To encourage tourism as an industry and create an atmosphere which will attract additional visitors to the community – encouraging them to view Albany as a destination rather than a casual place to visit. (1997)
Concentrate on tourism as a principal industry for the community. (1997)
Encourage new tourism related businesses to be developed in the community. (1997)
Support existing tourism related businesses to continue operation and to become more viable businesses. (1997)
The central business district should be maintained as a focal point of commercial activity in the village. (1997)
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Goal: Foster the growth of mutually beneficial intergovernmental relations with other units of government.
Promote future development in planned growth areas, coordinating development proposals with village, county, and town officials. (1997)
Continue communicating and meeting with other local governmental units to encourage discussion and action on shared issues and opportunities.
Pursue opportunities for cooperative agreements with the town regarding annexation, expansion of public facilities, sharing of services, and density management.
Monitor opportunities to improve the delivery of community services by cooperating with other units of government.
Land Use
Goal: To encourage the best, most efficient use of the land in accordance with soil and other natural limitations, for the benefit of the community and its residents. (1997)
Establish preferred land use classifications and assign them to areas of the community in order to increase compatibility between existing land uses and avoid future land use conflicts.
Provide suitable sites in sufficient quantity for each type of proposed use, first developing available acreage within the village in order to minimize sprawl. (1997)
Encourage cluster development which promotes the efficient use of space and reduces development costs, as an alternative to scattered and strip development, in areas where services and facilities exist or are planned. (1997)
Ensure that proposed developments or annexations examine soil, slope, and other natural constraints to construction, and that the proposed land uses are in harmony with capabilities of the site. (1997)
Encourage harmony in land uses throughout the village, making sure that proposed adjacent uses are compatible and do not conflict with existing or anticipated future development. (1997)
Establish land use decision making policies and procedures that ensure a balance between appropriate land use planning and the rights of property owners.
Explore opportunities to rehabilitate and redevelop existing developed areas within the community and in planned growth areas.
Seek a pattern of land use that will sustain and improve the downtown.
Focus areas of substantial new growth within or near existing areas of development where adequate public facilities and services can be cost-effectively provided or expanded.
In order to protect property values and encourage quality design, consider establishing design review guidelines for the layout and appearance of buildings, signage, parking lots, landscaping, etc., for proposed intensive land uses such as commercial, industrial, institutional, or multi-family development.
Goal: Promote consistent integration of the comprehensive plan policies and recommendations with the ordinances and implementation tools that affect the community.
Encourage the comprehensive scrutiny of development proposals in order to match community needs with planned construction activities and to protect against harmful or inefficient designs. (1997)
Update the comprehensive plan on a regular schedule to ensure that the plan remains a useful guide for land use decision making.
3. Require that administration, enforcement, and implementation of land use regulations are consistent with the village’s comprehensive plan.
4. Create opportunities for citizen participation throughout all stages of planning, ordinance development, and policy implementation.
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