About the year 1830 Reverend Isaac Jones, the son and one of the three children of Samuel Jones, who emigrated to this community in the year 1818, filed a dedication plat of the Town of Jefferson in the Recorder's Office of Madison County, dated September 13, 1830. (Plat Book 1 page 5 - Original Record Deed Book 7 page 123). The new town consisted of 60 lots, all except one of which lots were fifty feet in front and ran back one hundred and fifty feet. The lots were generally divided on the north and south sides of Main Street which the street was 80 feet wide. enter Street, running north and south, was 66 feet wide. Town and Pearl Streets were each 45 feet wide. Walnut, Chester and Water Streets were each 33 feet wide and the alleys were laid off 12 feet in width. Lots 7 and 8 were reserved for the public use and are yet so used, being located at the northwest intersection of Main and Center Streets.