Walworth County Visitors' Bureau located in Elkhorn, Wisconsin offers information to the visitors of Walworth County. No matter where you choose to stay - we have information for many different kinds of activities and attractions.
If you're interested in outdoor activities, we have so much to offer: biking, hiking, fishing, rock climbing, cross-country or down-hill skiing, snowmobiling, sailing, boating, canoeing, kayaking, swimming and golfing just to name a few. Walworth County also offers theatres, galleries, museums, boutiques, spas, nightlife, shopping, antiquing, dining, hot air balloon rides, cruises, and music.
Accommodations are plentiful - choose to stay at the local resorts, bed and breakfasts, hotels, motels, campgrounds or cabins. No matter where you choose to stay - Lake Geneva, Elkhorn, Williams Bay, Darien, Walworth, Fontana, Genoa City, Delavan, Whitewater, East Troy, Sharon, Springfield - you'll be glad you came!