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301 Mulberry Street
Mission Statement
The mission of the Weldon City School District is to create and maintain a highly effective educational system in which every student receives the highest quality education. School employees and parents work together to prepare students to become caring, competent, and responsible citizens who value education as a lifelong process.
Vision Statement
By the year 2008, the Weldon City School District will be the model school district in North Carolina. Weldon City Schools will be a school district that attracts parents to the community so that their children can attend and excel in our schools. Highly qualified teachers will also be attracted to our district and those already here will remain. Abundant opportunities will be available for professional growth and leadership development for those within the system and for talented persons who desire to become a part of our community. Students and staff will have access to state of the art technology. Parents, businesses, and community partnerships will add value to our community. Students, parents, and the community will believe that the Weldon City School District is truly a school system of excellence. This is what can be. This what we will be.