The staff of West Alexander Middle School believes that all students will have a safe and wholesome environment in which to learn, teachers who are knowledgeable about and committed to young adolescents, involved parents, fair and equitable treatment, and a variety of educational opportunities to maximize their individual capabilities.
Our goal is to challenge each child with high expectations to learn, to achieve, and to fulfill his or her potential. The Alexander County Schools and West Alexander Middle School will provide equal educational opportunities to all students regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap.
West Alexander Middle School strives to serve as a transition between elementary and high school in order to prepare the students intellectually and emotionally for a successful life. We will try to offer an equal opportunity for the maximum education of each student, and a means for individual growth and development regardless of ability, sex, race, or socioeconomic background.
Believing that each student should have a positive self-image, we will attempt to prepare students to respect authority, to reason, analyze, evaluate, make accountable decisions, and accept responsibility. Students will have the opportunity to adjust to different situations because of the varied composition of the staff and the student body. We will try to instill an understanding of individuals with different convictions and assorted cultural backgrounds, and a respect for the rights of others. We will provide guidance personnel to assist the adolescent during these transitional years.
We will endeavor to develop basic skills that will lead to the intellectual growth and development of the student. Through varied media resources, we will provide a well-rounded curriculum that emphasizes all facets equally, and stresses the application of knowledge.
The staff, working as a team, will participate in the planning and evaluation of the school program. The staff will seek to provide an atmosphere and environment conducive to learning, enhanced by its consistency and fairness. The staff will strive to produce conscientious citizens who can lead fulfilling lives.
We will provide opportunities for participation in athletic activities that will develop both group and individual skills. We will attempt to refine the cultural appetite of the student by providing for related events in the program of the school.
Through our parent organization and steering committee, we will provide an outlet for community voice in the school, and attempt to utilize these suggestions in our overall program. The staff will strive to display a professional attitude in all dealings with the school community