White County Middle School (WCMS) is designed especially to meet the unique characteristics and needs of pre-adolescents by offering a sensitive, caring, supportive learning environment that is designed to provide experiences that will assist students in making the transition from late childhood to adolescence. The middle school is also designed to help bridge the gap between the structure of the elementary school and the departmental structure of a high school.
Always remember that cooperation and communication between home and school are vital in order to provide a quality education for students. Education will be more effective and enjoyable when dedicated staff, concerned parents and conscientious students work together to reach common goals.
WCMS is committed to providing a quality education for every student. It is the intent of White County Middle School to establish partnerships with parents and with the community. Working cooperatively affords WCMS the opportunity to provide its students with experiences and skills needed to succeed. White County Middle School welcomes the involvement of parents and community members in the education of the young adolescents of White County.