Ross School teachers, parents, and community members have created a culture whereby our children academically embrace their own individualism in a challenging environment that fosters positive self esteem.
We have expanded community involvement by increasing our participation in the Early Act Rotary Club activities which will continue this school year. Students raised money and resources for soldiers in Iraq, Tsunami survivors, individuals with cancer, and children with life threatening diseases.
The Character for Life Program emphasizes positive character traits throughout the school year. Topics such as anti-bullying, repsonsibility, self-discipline, compassion, leadership, empathy, courage, sportsmanship, self respect, and respect for others are integrated in a study of equity, diversity, and multi-cultural awareness. Students work through the concepts in a unit format, which is reinforced through a building-wide incentive program that recognizes students for demonstrating good citizenship and strong character.
This year, we are pleased to announce we will be implementing the Zaner-Bloser Writing Program in all grades. We are again looking forward to Battle of the Books, MARE, which is a celebration of the ocean and our local habitat, and several other enrichment activities in the Media Center and Computer Lab.
The Ross School faculty, staff, and administration value parent input and participation. I encourage you to call or stop in with your concerns or questions.As we work together on behalf of children, we move toward common goals that benefit all.