Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools (WJCC) serve the students of the City of Williamsburg and the county of James City in 15 schools: 9 elementary, 3 middle and 3 high schools.
The division’s 11,303 students are supported by over 900 instructional staff members and over 700 support staff members.
Each school year, WJCC classrooms are alive with interactive instruction that addresses the needs of individual students while meeting the requirements of the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL).
Our efforts to be Virginia’s premier school division are guided by the School Board’s Strategic Plan. This plan, adopted in summer 2012, outlines the division’s five priorities:
High Student Achievement for 21st Century Success
Safe, Secure and Welcoming Climate for Learning
Rich, Rewarding Experience for Professionals
Trust and Authentic Partnerships with Families and the Broader Community
Accountable and Trusted Leadership