About Us:
Winter Green Farm, a family farm started in 1980, is a value-driven business. Our mission statement—“A productive farm in harmony with the earth, humanity, and ourselves”—grounds the values and goals that we seek to bring into the world through our farm.
We own and lease 171 acres hosting a wide diversity of crops. About 20 acres are devoted to mixed vegetables and berries for our CSA and farmers' markets. We grow burdock, (gobo) for wholesale accounts. About 90 acres is dedicated to our cattle for pasture, hay, and balage. The remaining acres are oak groves, riparian areas, and wetlands for wildlife habitat.
We embrace biodynamic farming methods, viewing our farm as a living organism. This means we strive to create a healthy farm ecosystem. The vast majority of our fertility is produced on-farm. We view this as one sign of a farm in biological balance. The backbone of our fertility program is farm-made well-ripened compost, green manure crops, careful crop rotation, and pasturage of our grazing stock. We feel the health of our farm is reflected in the quality of our crops.
Growing great food and making it available to people, regardless of income, is one of our core values. We have developed a close link with our local food bank, and through the combined effort from our labor, and donations from the community, we provide thousands of pounds of produce to those in need. We also seek to pay our workers a fair wage while creating a work atmosphere of mutual respect, learning, and community at our farm.
Winter Green Farm hosts seasonal events, tours, workshops, and field trips. We are also frequent speakers at a variety of conferences. Sharing our farm with the wider community is important to us.
Our commitment to farming with the big picture in mind has helped us to grow award-winning food as well. In 2002, Winter Green Farm was honored with the Oregon Tilth “Producer of the Year Award” for commitment to integrity in biologically sound and socially equitable agriculture. In 2009, we were awarded the Crop Farm Award for Excellence from the Oregon Organic Coalition. And our CSA was voted the best in Eugene by Eugene Weekly readers for 2013-2014.