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Woodboro Lakes Wildlife Area

Woodboro Lakes Wildlife Area is located about 10 miles west of Rhinelander in the Town of Woodboro. It consists of about 3,000 acres with a variety of upland forests with six small lakes. The forests are mostly aspen and white birch with areas of red oak, red maple and white pine.

The lakes are small, shallow and contain no game fish. An extensive logging road network runs through the property, but access is limited to high clearance and four-wheel drive vehicles (no ATVs are allowed).

The Roe Lake-Stag Lake Unit occurs about 3 miles south of the main Woodboro Lakes Wildlife Area. This 500-acre area contains about half the frontage on Roe and Stag Lakes. The habitat is mostly aspen forest with some pine and hardwoods throughout. Hunting and trapping are allowed. The property is accessible from the north on US Highway 8. You can also walk to the property from Spring Creek Road about a half-mile south of the property. Due to limited road access, most of the property is accessible by foot travel only. No ATVs are allowed.