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Zion National Park

Zion National Park
1 Zion Park Blvd

About :

Zion National Park shines brightest amid an impressive Southern Utah collection of National Parks and National Monuments as the most visited, hiked, camped, enjoyed entertaining its visitors with vertical enormity opposite of the vast depths of the Grand Canyon of Northern Arizona. Zion National Park is an eight layered sandstone masterpiece of towering cliffs, deep red canyons far different from those of Arizona with attached mesas, buttes and massive monoliths. It took eight-hundred-million years of Earth time to carve and mold Southern Utah and attached Northern Arizona as both make up the grand staircase geology as well as Utah's Cedar Breaks National Monument and Bryce Canyon National Park. While most visitors just travel the vast system of Southern Utah scenic byways, including highway 9 also called Zion-Mt. Carmel Scenic Byway, others jump into slot canyons, trails, routes and backpacking to locate the treasure at the end - often a desert waterfall or high-end viewpoint of expanse to see what cannot be viewed without getting out on your own two feet.

Recent News

Zion National Park Announces 2024 Angels Landing Pilot Permit Program Seasonal Lottery Dates

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Zion National Park Shares Angels Landing Pilot Permit Program Application Best Practices

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