Shaw A F B SC Zip Code Lookup and List

Below is a list of Shaw A F B SC zip codes. For your research we have also included Shaw A F B Area Code, Time Zone, UTC and the local Sumter County FIPS Code. Each Shaw A F B South Carolina zip code has a center Longitude / Latitude point (the Shaw A F B center is -80.47679901123 / 33.973999023438). For your convenience we have also indicated if that zip code in Shaw A F B observes Daylight Savings time.

Zip Area Lat Lon Zone UTC DST State FIPS Code County FIPS Code MSA Code City County State
29152 803 33.983141 -80.485057 Eastern -5 Y 45 45085 8140 Shaw A F B Sumter SC
29152 803 33.983141 -80.485057 Eastern -5 Y 45 45085 8140 Shaw A F B Sumter SC
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