Colorado Sate Univeristy - Lory Student Center
1101 Central Avenue
Fort Collins CO 80523
Phone: 970-377-9640
Email: [email protected]
Trainer, Author, Video Producer And Parent Of A Young Man With Autism
Are You Prepared For An
Autism Emergency?
Research indicates that persons with developmental disabilities,
including a rapidly rising autism population, are approximately seven
times more likely to come in contact with law enforcement and emergency
personnel. Police and first response professionals will meet children
and adults with autism in field situations. Dennis Debbaudt’s training
will make these interactions safer and less stressful. Sunday, March 13,
2011 starting with special presentation by Temple Grandin followed by
two training sessions presented by Dennis Debbaudt. Session 1, provides
the best tools and options for parents, care providers, educators and
persons with autism when developing partnerships with law enforcement,
first response, and criminal justice agencies. Session 2, training will
teach recognition and response contact, perpetrator/victim restraint and
arrest options; dilemmas in interrogation and interview settings; and
School Resource Officer issues. Individuals that attend this workshop
will be able to train coworkers with the materials provided as well as a
Certificate of Attendance. Registration Deadline: MARCH 8, 2011
Session 1
Presenter: Dennis Debbaudt
10:00 – 12:00 pm
Target Audience:
Parents and School Personnel
Course Objectives
WanderinglPreparing for an Autism Emergencyl
Safety in the HomelSafe TravellAlerting Neighbors
911 data base alertslDeveloping a handoutlSafety and risk life skills
educationlWorking proactively with schools & law enforcement
*$10 Fee
Registration is Required by March 8, 2011
Seating is Limited
Session 2
Presenter: Dennis Debbaudt
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Target audience:
EMS, Fire and Rescue Personnel, ER employees,
Emergency Dispatchers, Law Enforcement, Field Officers, Police,
Attorneys, FBI, and Homeland Security, School Resource Officers, School
Counselors, Social Workers, Behavior Specialists
Course Objectives:
Become Familiar with Characteristics of Individuals with Autism &
Developmental DisabilitieslBecome Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Increase Officer and Citizen Safetyl Enhance Officer Communication and
Response Skillsl Save Valuable Time and Response SkillslAvoid
Build Community Partnerships
Registration is Required
Fee waived for qualified providers
Fee Summary
Fee for Keynote Speaker only $10
Fee for Session 1 $10 (includes Keynote presentation)
Fee for Session 2 FREE for qualified professionals
Fee for Session 2 only Non-professionals $20
Fee for Session 1 & Session 2 $30.00 (Non-professionals)
For more information go to
To Register call 970-377-9640