Reverchon Recreation Center

3505 Maple Avenue
Dallas TX 75219



What:            Join The Dallas County Area Agency on Aging, Community Council of Greater Dallas, Dallas County Health and Human Services and the National Council on Aging (NCOA) for a Flu + You educational event and flu vaccination clinic for adults 65 and older.  Learn about your increased risk of flu-related complications and receive your flu vaccination.


When:               Monday, September 23rd, 10:00 a.m.  –  1:00 p.m.

                        Reverchon Recreation Center, 3505 Maple Avenue, Dallas, TX 75219

Flu vaccines are a covered Medicare Part B benefit, with no copay.  Please bring your Medicare ID or applicable insurance card to the event to receive your flu vaccination.

RSVP:  Corina Castro, 214-954-4220


Why:             Each year in the U.S., roughly nine out of 10 flu-related deaths and six out of 10 flu-related hospital stays occur in people 65 and older. Despite these risks, only an estimated 65 percent of Texas adults 65 and older were vaccinated during the 2011-2012 flu season.      


To learn more about the risks for flu in older adults and to view resources from the Flu + You campaign, including a television PSA with actor Lee Majors, best known for his iconic role  in The Six Million Dollar Man, please visit

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