St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church

820 NE 14th Ave
Fort Lauderdale FL 33304

Phone: 954-467-1515
Fax: 954-467-0212
Email: [email protected]


About Us:

The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, otherwise known as the Greek or Eastern Orthodox Church, was established by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ on the Day of Pentecost fifty days after the Lord's resurrection in the year 33 A.D.

In obedience to the Lord's great commission to His Apostles, "Go forth unto all nations" the Gospel of Christ was first preached and practiced in the lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. It was in these Greek speaking Eastern regions of the old Roman Empire that the Christian faith and early Church matured in her struggle against paganism and heresy. To aid her in this battle, the Orthodox articles of faith of the Christian Church were proclaimed through Seven Ecumenical Councils which were convened in the East.

As a result of these Councils, the Church's confession of faith, The Nicene Creed, was first professed and formed the basis for the Church's title, "The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church". The universality, or the catholicity of Orthodox Christianity is made evident by the many diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds which may be found among those worshipping at Saint Demetrios.

The Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church, maintains a direct and uninterrupted line of Apostolic succession of the early Church of 33 A.D., founded by Jesus Christ, preached to by the blessed Apostles and preserved by the Church Fathers. This is our Faith, this is our Orthodoxy.

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