
The Wethersfield Library Happenings - January 6, 2023

Schools and Libraries

January 9, 2023

From: Wethersfield Public Library

Meditation For People Who Can't Meditate

Wednesday, January 11 at 6:30 PM

Feel like your brain is buzzing? Have you thought: I can’t meditate? Feeling like your mind always wanders when you try to sit still? You’re not alone and you’re totally normal. In this workshop we’ll review many types of meditation - from tools to quiet the mind, mantra meditation, breathing techniques, imagery and even moving meditations - in an attempt to provide you a tool to help you rethink what meditation can be in order to broaden your opportunities to relax and find a tranquil moment.

This program will take place over Zoom. Click here to register.

The Value Of Old And Rare Books With Ken Gloss

Monday, January 23 at 6:30 PM

Kenneth Gloss, proprietor of the internationally known Brattle Book Shop in Boston’s Downtown Crossing section, will give a Zoom presentation to discuss the value of old and rare books.

Ken, a rare book specialist and appraiser who is frequently seen on Antiques Roadshow, will talk in part about the history of his historic bookshop, which goes back to circa 1825. He is a second-generation owner. Ken will discuss growing up in the book business, show some of his favorite finds while enjoying “the thrill of the hunt,” and explain how he appraises books and manuscripts. He has many fascinating anecdotes to share about private and institutional collecting as well as guidelines for building and maintaining a significant collection. There is also a Q&A session at the conclusion of his talk. Following the talk and question-and-answer session, Ken will give free verbal appraisals of books participants have submitted beforehand or will do so at his shop in Boston at a later scheduled date.

This program will take place over Zoom. Click here to register.

Find Your First Read of 2023 with NoveList Plus!

The NoveList Plus database connects readers to their next book by making recommendations for what to read next. One of the most popular features is 'read-alikes', which suggests titles that are ‘just like’ other titles that you enter. If you’ve just finished a great book, log into NoveList Plus and find great read-alikes! You can search authors, titles, and series in both fiction and nonfiction titles for all ages from the youngest readers to adults.

With features like reviews, book discussion guides, curriculum guides, and other book-oriented articles, NoveList Plus your one-stop guide to great reading!

Head over to Novelist and enter your library card to get started!