This vision is intended to reflect a positive mental image of the City of Rancho Mirage at a time in the future. It attempts to describe what the City will look like, feel like and function in the year 2020. The physical content and image of the City will reflect the values that have prevailed over the years.The Vision is the first step in the planning process. It provides the foundation for the General Plan. It also should inspire accomplishment and focus energies towards achieving the goals of the City. It will be central to the decision-making processes that will forge the City in years to come. Thus:In the year 2020 Rancho Mirage will be noted for the quality of its residential neighborhoods. It will continue to be a great place to live and/or spend leisure time. It will have an international reputation as a destination resort and medical and health center. It will be recognized for its ambience and the unique lifestyle it provides. Residents will enjoy a variety of cultural and recreational opportunities
Rancho Mirage will be distinctive. There will be strong sense of place reflected through the quality of the man-made environment and the natural setting. The City will maintain and protect the backdrop of the Santa Rosa Mountains, provide public and private open space, and the landscape of the City's streets and public areas will present a pleasant, recognizable, city-wide theme. The City will be premier location in the Coachella Valley for first class shopping, entertainment, cultural and dining opportunities for residents and visitors alike. Its architecture will be outstanding and appropriate for Rancho Mirage's ambiance.New residents of Rancho Mirage will find a variety of neighborhoods and housing types from which to choose.Land uses will be designed to be compatible and harmonious with one another. Residential neighborhoods, commercial and business areas, resorts and public places will be pleasing to the eye, well maintained and safe. The street system will also be safe, efficient and attractive and signage will enhance the character of the City while meeting the needs of local merchants.The City will be economically prudent and sound. Rancho Mirage will be the prime location in the Coachella Valley to establish new business enterprises and/or expand existing operations. Residents and visitors will enjoy attractive, comfortable and safe retail shopping facilities compatible with the low density residential and resort character of the City. Revenue generating businesses will be encouraged to locate and flourish in Rancho Mirage.
Happy Golden Anniversary Rancho Mirage! Half a century ago, on this very day, the City of Rancho Mirage was officially incorporated. The past five decades have been filled with remarkable achievements and significant milestones that have shaped…
Read More »City Council Meetings Regular City Council Meeting Thursday, July 20, 2023 1:00 p.m. Agendas are posted on the City website. Welcome to the Future of Solar Permitting The City is excited to introduce an innovative and time-saving approach to…
Read More »Desert Theatricals' production of Beauty and the Beast is just a few weeks away (March 17-19) followed by Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat on April 14-16. Tickets are still available for General Admission or Dinner Theatre. Join Desert…
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