Gather round the Guggenheim in a series of one-night-only events spanning both the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed theater and rotunda. Through the Underground Uptown Dance Festival, experience New York City’s extraordinary club, street, and social dance traditions, all rooted in the circle and the cipher.
Championing creative process from studio to stage and artist care, Works & Process provided all these projects with long-term resources through fully funded Works & Process LaunchPAD creative residencies that offer industry-leading fees, 24/7 studio space, on-site housing, transportation, and health insurance enrollment access, with iterative presentations.
The Works & Process Underground Uptown Dance Festival is part of JanArtsNYC, which is one of the city’s largest and most influential arts gatherings and draws more than 45,000 performing arts leaders, artists, and enthusiasts from across the globe.
Gather round the Guggenheim in a series of one-night-only events spanning both the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed theater and rotunda. Through the Underground Uptown Dance Festival, experience New York City’s extraordinary club, street, and…
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