The festival allows citizens and visitors a close up look at the Characters of Zulu. Some of New Orleans's finest Restaurants and Caterers provide food to satisfy the appetites of festival goers and the music is provided by New Orleans own talented and well known musicians, as well as Zulu memorabilia and other arts and crafts are displayed in the African Village. And of course, the largest Second Line ever formed featuring local Brass Bands for the public to enjoy.
Oscar Piper and Elleneese Brooks Sims reigned as King and Queen Zulu the year the Zulu Lundi Gras Festival was established. They also played an integral part in the planning stages of the festival. Prior to the festival, King Zulu would arrive in the Basin Canal on Mardi Gras Day. When the canal was closed, King Zulu arrived at the foot of Canal Street on that day. The tradition of King Zulu arriving by boat on Mardi Grads Day began in 1917 when James Robertson reigned as King Zulu until 1993 when the Zulu Lundi Gras Festival was born. He now arrives the evening of Lundi Gras on the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter.
Lundi Gras Festival contracted an outside promotion company, the Music Group for the first two years, to managed the Festival. In 1995, a committee of Zulu Members was formed to manage and plan the festival. Gary Thornton chaired the committee in 1995 and 1996. Under his leadership, the Zulu Lundi Gras Festival began to show promise. In 1997, Lester Pollard Jr. was appointed Chairman of the Festival and during his tenure and leadership the festival has grown tremendously. The continual growth of the festival expanded to a second entertainment stage at the Aquarium Plaza to accommodate the enormous crowds in attendance.
Nick Harris, Chairman of Public Relations for Zulu and Lester Pollard Jr. conceived the idea of having a Press Conference to highlight the Zulu Characters and the Lundi Gras Entertainment. This press conference was so successful, the introduction and unveiling of the Zulu Mardi Gras Poster and Artist, Festival Food Vendors, recognition of Festival Sponsors, City Officials, and a host of others were added to the Press Conference.
In 1999, the Zulu organization recognized the attendance of many children enjoying the festival activities as well as adults and introduced a new concept of entertainment to the festival. In 2001, the Zulu organization introduced the “Zulu Children's Village “, sponsored by Frito Lay. The purpose of this village was to allow the youth of the community to display their talents through music, art, and drama productions. This also gave local elementary, middle, and high school youth the opportunity for exposure and participation.
Lundi Gras Festival DancersIn 2004, Michael Johnson was appointed to chair the 2005 Lundi Gras Festival Committee. However, prior to promoting the festival, he became ill. President Charles Hamilton appointed Cornelius Garner, Jr.as the new Chairman of the Lundi Gras Festival Committee coordinating the 2005 Festival promotion and its activities. As preparations were being made, for the 2006 Festival, Hurricane Katrina made landfall in New Orleans causing considerable damage to Woldenberg Park, home of the Lundi Gras Festival.
This event is hosted by the 800 members of the Zulu Social Aid & Pleasure Club and we welcome you to a fun and exciting day of food, music, arts, and crafts along the beautiful riverfront of New Orleans. The 30th Annual Zulu Lundi Gras Festival…
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